/ resume
Shrey Banga
Member of Technical Staff
Staff Software Engineer
Performance & Architecture
Tech led and project managed a cross-team product performance improvement effort. Reduced p75 TTI by 54% and bundle size by 22%. Drastically improved load times for customers with a lot of bases or users.

Implemented HTML streaming and parallelized backend data fetching with frontend rendering, which improved load times for smaller bases. Built tooling to collect performance profiles directly from browsers.

Helped launch view projection, which dramatically improved load times of our largest bases, including solving the curious case of the missing cell. Built backend for a new UI to show previews of large views and optimize them for view projection. Implemented several other optimizations to improve base health and performance.
Helped launch Automations. Built several of the most popular triggers and actions working across the stack. Built a type checker that drives autocompletion and validation in inputs. Added multi-action automations, support for rich-text, attachments and sending records in emails. Built recipes and walkthroughs to increase adoption.

Helped launch the Scripting Block. Worked on the editor, autocomplete and several API endpoints.
Built several popular internal tools and abstractions: a tool to explore models backing parts of the UI, running local JS in non-local environments, a repl with autocompletion for the backend, autocomplete for CSS classNames, type-aware codemod, a triaging tool for crashers etc.
Surveyed interviewers to identify top pain points. Led efforts to standardize debriefs and periodically refresh interviewer calibration.
Staff Software Engineer
Tech led the Documents team. Designed a new cross-platform caret & selection API to improve the editor's reliability and extensibility. We shipped Document History, Font Colors, Live Paste, Find-and-Replace, Custom List Numbering, Drag-n-drop list items, paste from markdown etc.

Built multi-column layouts, document outline, quotes and horizontal rules, page break previews, print headers and footers. Built a new sharing model and migrated a major customer to Quip. Shipped some growth experiments.
Client Infra
Built a client-side caching layer using IndexedDB to make the web app behave like native apps and load instantly. Worked with three highly tenured engineers to migrate the codebase to TypeScript.
Built several tools and abstractions to improve productivity: a fast pre-commit check runner, test status dashboard, overlays for debugging, async properties, github code review extension etc.
Software Engineer
Rebuilt the rich text editor from the ground up, which obsoleted numerous bugs and allowed us to support several new features, such as inline math previews. Built Your Content. Ran growth experiments.
Wrote several highly used internal tools, including an extensible linter, a tool for managing how code is pushed, per-developer instances, and a UI testing system. Maintained asynq. Re-designed the feature gating abstraction. Led the code quality group. Built speed measurement tools.
Software Engineering Intern
Built a tool for automatic regression alerts in Chrome's performance. Fixed a WebKit parser bug, reducing rendering delays. Analyzed the effects of an alternative DNS alias selection strategy.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2011 – 2013
Masters in Computer Science
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
2005 – 2009
Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering
A list of my side projects is at
Shrey Banga